import argparse import json from pathlib import Path from models import * from utils.datasets import * from utils.utils import * def test( cfg, data_cfg, weights, batch_size=16, img_size=416, iou_thres=0.5, conf_thres=0.3, nms_thres=0.45, save_json=False ): device = torch_utils.select_device() # Configure run data_cfg_dict = parse_data_cfg(data_cfg) nC = int(data_cfg_dict['classes']) # number of classes (80 for COCO) test_path = data_cfg_dict['valid'] # Initialize model model = Darknet(cfg, img_size) # Load weights if weights.endswith('.pt'): # pytorch format model.load_state_dict(torch.load(weights, map_location='cpu')['model']) else: # darknet format load_darknet_weights(model, weights) # Get dataloader # dataloader =, batch_size=batch_size) dataloader = LoadImagesAndLabels(test_path, batch_size=batch_size, img_size=img_size) mean_mAP, mean_R, mean_P, seen = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0 print('%11s' * 5 % ('Image', 'Total', 'P', 'R', 'mAP')) outputs, mAPs, mR, mP, TP, confidence, pred_class, target_class, jdict = \ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] AP_accum, AP_accum_count = np.zeros(nC), np.zeros(nC) coco91class = coco80_to_coco91_class() for batch_i, (imgs, targets, paths, shapes) in enumerate(dataloader): output = model( output = non_max_suppression(output, conf_thres=conf_thres, nms_thres=nms_thres) # Compute average precision for each sample for si, (labels, detections) in enumerate(zip(targets, output)): seen += 1 if detections is None: # If there are labels but no detections mark as zero AP if labels.size(0) != 0: mAPs.append(0), mR.append(0), mP.append(0) continue # Get detections sorted by decreasing confidence scores detections = detections.cpu().numpy() detections = detections[np.argsort(-detections[:, 4])] if save_json: # [{"image_id": 42, "category_id": 18, "bbox": [258.15, 41.29, 348.26, 243.78], "score": 0.236}, ... box = torch.from_numpy(detections[:, :4]).clone() # xyxy scale_coords(img_size, box, shapes[si]) # to original shape box = xyxy2xywh(box) # xywh box[:, :2] -= box[:, 2:] / 2 # xy center to top-left corner # add to json dictionary for di, d in enumerate(detections): jdict.append({ 'image_id': int(Path(paths[si]).stem.split('_')[-1]), 'category_id': coco91class[int(d[6])], 'bbox': [float3(x) for x in box[di]], 'score': float3(d[4] * d[5]) }) # If no labels add number of detections as incorrect correct = [] if labels.size(0) == 0: # correct.extend([0 for _ in range(len(detections))]) mAPs.append(0), mR.append(0), mP.append(0) continue else: target_cls = labels[:, 0] # Extract target boxes as (x1, y1, x2, y2) target_boxes = xywh2xyxy(labels[:, 1:5]) * img_size detected = [] for *pred_bbox, conf, obj_conf, obj_pred in detections: pred_bbox = torch.FloatTensor(pred_bbox).view(1, -1) # Compute iou with target boxes iou = bbox_iou(pred_bbox, target_boxes) # Extract index of largest overlap best_i = np.argmax(iou) # If overlap exceeds threshold and classification is correct mark as correct if iou[best_i] > iou_thres and obj_pred == labels[best_i, 0] and best_i not in detected: correct.append(1) detected.append(best_i) else: correct.append(0) # Compute Average Precision (AP) per class AP, AP_class, R, P = ap_per_class(tp=correct, conf=detections[:, 4], pred_cls=detections[:, 6], target_cls=target_cls) # Accumulate AP per class AP_accum_count += np.bincount(AP_class, minlength=nC) AP_accum += np.bincount(AP_class, minlength=nC, weights=AP) # Compute mean AP across all classes in this image, and append to image list mAPs.append(AP.mean()) mR.append(R.mean()) mP.append(P.mean()) # Means of all images mean_mAP = np.mean(mAPs) mean_R = np.mean(mR) mean_P = np.mean(mP) # Print image mAP and running mean mAP print(('%11s%11s' + '%11.3g' * 3) % (seen, dataloader.nF, mean_P, mean_R, mean_mAP)) # Print mAP per class print('%11s' * 5 % ('Image', 'Total', 'P', 'R', 'mAP') + '\n\nmAP Per Class:') classes = load_classes(data_cfg_dict['names']) # Extracts class labels from file for i, c in enumerate(classes): print('%15s: %-.4f' % (c, AP_accum[i] / (AP_accum_count[i] + 1E-16))) # Save JSON if save_json: imgIds = [int(Path(x).stem.split('_')[-1]) for x in dataloader.img_files] with open('results.json', 'w') as file: json.dump(jdict, file) from pycocotools.coco import COCO from pycocotools.cocoeval import COCOeval # cocoGt = COCO('../coco/annotations/instances_val2014.json') # initialize COCO ground truth api cocoDt = cocoGt.loadRes('results.json') # initialize COCO detections api cocoEval = COCOeval(cocoGt, cocoDt, 'bbox') cocoEval.params.imgIds = imgIds # [:32] # only evaluate these images cocoEval.evaluate().accumulate().summarize() # Return mAP return mean_mAP, mean_R, mean_P if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='') parser.add_argument('--batch-size', type=int, default=32, help='size of each image batch') parser.add_argument('--cfg', type=str, default='cfg/yolov3.cfg', help='cfg file path') parser.add_argument('--data-cfg', type=str, default='cfg/', help=' file path') parser.add_argument('--weights', type=str, default='weights/yolov3.weights', help='path to weights file') parser.add_argument('--iou-thres', type=float, default=0.5, help='iou threshold required to qualify as detected') parser.add_argument('--conf-thres', type=float, default=0.3, help='object confidence threshold') parser.add_argument('--nms-thres', type=float, default=0.45, help='iou threshold for non-maximum suppression') parser.add_argument('--save-json', action='store_true', help='save a cocoapi-compatible JSON results file') parser.add_argument('--img-size', type=int, default=416, help='size of each image dimension') opt = parser.parse_args() print(opt, end='\n\n') with torch.no_grad(): mAP = test( opt.cfg, opt.data_cfg, opt.weights, opt.batch_size, opt.img_size, opt.iou_thres, opt.conf_thres, opt.nms_thres, opt.save_json ) # Image Total P R mAP # YOLOv3 320 # 32 5000 0.66 0.597 0.591 # 64 5000 0.664 0.62 0.604 # 96 5000 0.653 0.627 0.614 # 128 5000 0.639 0.623 0.607 # 160 5000 0.642 0.63 0.616 # 192 5000 0.651 0.636 0.621 # Image Total P R mAP # YOLOv3 416 # 32 5000 0.635 0.581 0.57 # 64 5000 0.63 0.591 0.578 # 96 5000 0.661 0.632 0.622 # 128 5000 0.659 0.632 0.623 # 160 5000 0.665 0.64 0.633 # 192 5000 0.66 0.637 0.63 # Image Total P R mAP # YOLOv3 608 # 32 5000 0.653 0.606 0.591 # 64 5000 0.653 0.635 0.625 # 96 5000 0.655 0.642 0.633 # 128 5000 0.667 0.651 0.642 # 160 5000 0.663 0.645 0.637 # 192 5000 0.663 0.643 0.634