const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') const detectionsDir = process.argv[2] const labelsDir = process.argv[3] const namesFile = process.argv[4] const maxDistance = process.argv[5] || 0.1 const width = process.argv[6] || 1920 const height = process.argv[7] || 1080 /* console.log("DETECTIONS DIRECTORY:", detectionsDir) console.log("LABELS DIRECTORY:", labelsDir) console.log("NAMES FILE:", namesFile) console.log("WIDTH", width) console.log("HEIGHT", height) //*/ function parseDetections(detectionData) { return detectionData .split('\n') .filter(x => !!x) .map(line => line.split(' ').map(x => +x)) .map(a => ({ x: (a[0] + a[2]) / ( 2 * width ), y: (a[1] + a[3]) / ( 2 * height ), w: (a[2] - a[0]) / width, h: (a[3] - a[1]) / height, c: a[4], p: a[5] })) } function parseLabels(labelData) { return labelData .split('\n') .filter(x => !!x) .map(line => line.split(' ').map(x => +x)) .map(a => ({ x: a[1], y: a[2], w: a[3], h: a[4], c: a[0], p: 1 })) } function findNearest(position, boxes) { let dx = position.x - boxes[0].x let dy = position.y - boxes[0].y let bestBox = { ...boxes[0], d: Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) } for(let i = 1; i < boxes.length; i++) { dx = position.x - boxes[i].x dy = position.y - boxes[i].y let distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) if(distance < bestBox.d) { bestBox = { ...boxes[i], d: distance } } } return bestBox } function compare(labels, detections) { // console.log("LABELS", JSON.stringify(labels)) // console.log("DETECTIONS", JSON.stringify(detections)) const results = {} for(const label of labels) { const detection = findNearest(label, detections) if(detection.d > maxDistance) { if(!results[label.c]) results[label.c] = {} results[label.c]['n'] = + (results[label.c]['n'] || 0) + 1 } else { if(!results[label.c]) results[label.c] = {} results[label.c][detection.c] = (results[label.c][detection.c] || 0) + 1 } } for(const detection of detections) { const label = findNearest(detection, labels) if(label.d > maxDistance) { results['n'] = results['n'] || {} results['n'][detection.c] = + (results['n'][detection.c] || 0) + 1 } } return results } async function compareLabelsAndResults(txt) { const detectionPath = path.resolve(detectionsDir, txt) const basename = path.basename(txt.split('.')[0]) const labelPath = path.resolve(labelsDir, basename+'.txt') const [detectionData, labelData] = await Promise.all([fs.promises.readFile(detectionPath, 'utf8'), fs.promises.readFile(labelPath, 'utf8')]) const detections = parseLabels(detectionData) const labels = parseLabels(labelData) return { basename, result: compare(labels, detections) } } async function main() { const names = (await fs.promises.readFile(namesFile, 'utf8')).split('\n').map(t=>t.trim()) names.n = '?' names.sum = 'sum' const files = await fs.promises.readdir(detectionsDir) const txts = files.filter(p => path.extname(p) == '.txt') //console.log("OUTPUT TXT FILES", txts.length) const promises = const compareResults = await Promise.all(promises) await fs.promises.mkdir(path.resolve(detectionsDir, 'errors')).catch(e => {}) const summary = {} const copyPromises = [] for(const result of compareResults) { let errors = [] for(const c in result.result) { if(!summary[c]) summary[c] = {} for(const r in result.result[c]) { summary[c][r] = (summary[c][r] || 0) + result.result[c][r] if( c!=r ) errors.push([c, r, result.result[c][r]]) } } if(errors.length > 0) { copyPromises.push(fs.promises.copyFile( path.resolve(detectionsDir, result.basename + '.jpg'), path.resolve(detectionsDir, 'errors', result.basename + '.jpg') )) copyPromises.push(fs.promises.writeFile( path.resolve(detectionsDir, 'errors', result.basename + '.tsv'),[c1,c2,cnt]) => [ names[c1], names[c2], cnt ].join('\t')).join('\n'), 'utf8')) } } //console.log("S", summary) let rows = Object.keys(summary).filter(k=>k!='n').sort().concat(['n']) summary.sum = {} for(const row of rows) { if(!summary[row]) summary[row] = {} const rowSum = => summary[row][r] || 0).reduce( (a, b) => a + b, 0) const columnSum = => summary[r] && summary[r][row] || 0).reduce( (a, b) => a + b, 0) summary[row].sum = rowSum summary.sum[row] = columnSum } summaryRows = rows.concat(['sum']) let tsvRows = [] tsvRows.push('Count:') tsvRows.push([' ', ...(>names[n]))].join('\t')) for(const row of summaryRows) { const summaryPart = summary[row] || {} tsvRows.push([ names[row], ...( => summaryPart[r]))].join('\t')) } summaryRows.pop() tsvRows.push('Fraction:') tsvRows.push([' ', ...(>names[n]))].join('\t')) for(const row of summaryRows) { const summaryPart = summary[row] || {} const sum = row != 'sum' ? summaryPart.sum : summary.sum[row] tsvRows.push([ names[row], ...( => summaryPart[r] && (summaryPart[r] / sum).toFixed(2)))].join('\t')) } const allDetected = rows.slice(0, -1).map(r => summary.sum[r]).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) const allLabeled = rows.slice(0, -1).map(r => summary[r].sum).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) const falsePositives = rows.slice(0, -1).map(r => summary.n[r] || 0).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) const falseNegatives = rows.slice(0, -1).map(r => summary[r].n || 0).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) const right = rows.slice(0, -1).map(r => summary[r][r] || 0).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) const mistakes = rows.slice(0, -1).map(a => rows.slice(0, -1).map(b => (a!=b && summary[a][b]) || 0).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) console.log(`right:\t${right}\t${(right/allLabeled).toFixed(3)}`) console.log(`false positives:\t${falsePositives}\t${(falsePositives/allLabeled).toFixed(3)}`) console.log(`false negatives:\t${falseNegatives}\t${(falseNegatives/allLabeled).toFixed(3)}`) console.log(`mistakes:\t${mistakes}\t${(mistakes/allLabeled).toFixed(3)}`) console.log(`labeled:\t${allLabeled}`) console.log(`detected:\t${allDetected}`) let tsv = tsvRows.join('\n') console.log(tsv) await Promise.all(copyPromises) } main()