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Glenn Jocher 2019-10-08 18:13:04 +02:00
parent f8aab0e952
commit 8b2f85c290
1 changed files with 6 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -461,6 +461,12 @@ def non_max_suppression(prediction, conf_thres=0.5, nms_thres=0.5):
class_conf, class_pred = pred[:, 5:].max(1)
pred[:, 4] *= class_conf
# # Merge classes (optional)
# class_pred[(class_pred.view(-1,1) == torch.LongTensor([2, 3, 5, 6, 7]).view(1,-1)).any(1)] = 2
# # Remove classes (optional)
# pred[class_pred != 2, 4] = 0.0
# Select only suitable predictions
i = (pred[:, 4] > conf_thres) & (pred[:, 2:4] > min_wh).all(1) & torch.isfinite(pred).all(1)
pred = pred[i]