The repo contains inference and training code for YOLOv3 in PyTorch. Training is done on the COCO dataset by default: **Credit to Joseph Redmon for YOLO** ( and to **Erik Lindernoren for the pytorch implementation** this work is based on (
Run `` to begin training after downloading COCO data with `data/`. Each epoch trains on 120,000 images from the train and validate COCO sets, and tests on 5000 images from the COCO validate set. An Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti will process ~10 epochs/day with full image augmentation, or ~15 epochs/day with no augmentation. Loss plots for bounding boxes, objectness and classification should appear similar to results shown here (training currently in-progress to 160 epochs).
Checkpoints will be saved in `/checkpoints` directory. Run `` to apply trained weights to an image, such as `zidane.jpg` from the `data/samples` folder, shown here.
Run `` to test the latest checkpoint on the 5000 validation images. Joseph Redmon's official YOLOv3 weights produce a mAP of .581 using this PyTorch implementation, compared to .579 in darknet (