2020-07-25 22:43:07 +00:00
import io
import subprocess
def call_subprocess(cmd):
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
error = False
for process_line_output in io.TextIOWrapper(process.stdout,
encoding="utf-8"): # print output of training process to console
if 'Traceback' in process_line_output:
error = True
if error:
raise RuntimeError("An error occured during calling subprocess")
def get_values_from_conff_matrix(path):
lines = open(path, 'r').readlines()[:7]
d = {}
for l in lines:
key, value, *_ = l.split("\t")
d.update({key.replace(":", ""): int(value)})
return d
def get_bayes_params_as_dict(x):
return {
'epochs': int(x[:, 0]),
'batch-size': int(x[:, 1]),
'multi-scale': bool(x[:, 2]),
'img-size': f"{int(x[:, 3])} {int(x[:, 4])}",
'rect': bool(x[:, 5]),
'adam': bool(x[:, 6]),
'giou': float(x[:, 7]), # train hyps start index
'cls': float(x[:, 8]),
'cls_pw': float(x[:, 9]),
'obj': float(x[:, 10]),
'obj_pw': float(x[:, 11]),
'iou_t': float(x[:, 12]),
'lr0': float(x[:, 13]),
'lrf': float(x[:, 14]),
'momentum': float(x[:, 15]),
'weight_decay': float(x[:, 16]),
'fl_gamma': float(x[:, 17]),
'hsv_h': float(x[:, 18]),
'hsv_s': float(x[:, 19]),
'hsv_v': float(x[:, 20]),
'degrees': float(x[:, 21]),
'translate': float(x[:, 22]),
'scale': float(x[:, 23]),
'shear': float(x[:, 24]), # train hyps end index
'test-img-size': int(x[:, 25]),
'conf-thres': float(x[:, 26]),
'iou-thres': float(x[:, 27])